Kompa Drive-In Concert in NY

In the face of what is described as a new norm in light of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the cancellation of numerous outdoor events across the United States, Haitian DJ Stakz says he has found the alternative to outdoor entertainment by producing the first ever Kompa Drive-In Concert at York College, Jamaica, Queens.
DJ Stakz told Caribbean Life that he and H.P.M.G. Eventz will headline a live concert with the renowned Haitian international band Kaï on Sunday, Aug. 23.
DJ Stakz said the New York based-Kaï “has captured the hearts of fans all over the world” with songs such as “Malad,” “Kanse,” “Criminel” and “Mafia, featuring Stakz himself.
“Kaï is one of the bands that brings the crossover of Kompa in the new generation of over 100,000 followers,” DJ Stakz said. “Kai has never failed a performance with their energetic vibe, dances and use of instruments.”
He said Kompa this year celebrates the 53rd anniversary of “rhythm, tempo, percussion and all the beautiful sounds of Haiti.”
DJ Stakz pride himself in being “steadfast in creating unmatchable events” with his company H.P.M.G. Eventz, “a team that works tirelessly to bring you spectacular events, such as the annual Miami Takeover Weekend, celebrating the Haitian American Diaspora and Spring Break Haiti.”
During the pandemic, DJ Stakz said he has become “a relief to our essential workers — the essential worker for the essential workers” — by taking his passion for music and creating “the antidote of hope and positivity” with his social media live streams.
He said he has also been given the opportunity to play on major media platforms such as VP Records, Vibe Magazine and I am Caribbeing.
“This year both KOMPA music genre and WIADCA will be celebrating 53 years of existence,” said Rhea Smith, the Trinidadian-born vice president of the Brooklyn-based West Indian American Day Carnival Association (WIADCA).
“This drive-in would be kicking off Caribbean festivities in New York, as we countdown to New York Carnival (virtual),” she added. “DJ Stakz is appearing here and on our virtual concert, and WIADCA will be a media partner for the Kompa Drive-In.
Tickets for Kompa Drive-In Concert are available at www.djstakz.com.
For bookings and other inquiries, call (833) DJ-STAKZ or email bookdjstakz@gmail.com.
The post Kompa Drive-In Concert in NY appeared first on Caribbean Life News.