Three of Five Statewide Ballot Proposals go Down in Defeat

Despite strong Democratic Party and New York City support for all five of the ballot proposals put before voters statewide in yesterday’s general election, three of the five including proposals dealing with the redistricting commission and voter rights were defeated, according to unofficial results.
Ballot proposal number 1 related to redistricting and would add a constitutional amendment that would freeze the number of state Senators at 63. It also looks to amend the process for the counting of New York State’s population, delete certain provisions that violate the United States Constitution, amends the procedures for appointing co-directors of redistricting commission, and amend the procedure for determining congressional and state legislative lines.
The measure passed within the city with 61 percent of voters approving it and 39 percent rejecting it, but when tabulated with statewide votes, 56% or 1,517,296 votes were against it as opposed to 44%, 1,201,555 votes for it.
Ballot proposal number 2 establishes a person’s right to clean air and water, and a healthy environment passed before both city and statewide voters. On the statewide count 69% percent of the voters approved the measure while 31% rejected it. Citywide, 82% of the voters approved the measure and 18% rejected it.
Ballot proposals number 3 and 4 dealt with current voting laws. The third proposal looked to allow the State Legislature to enact laws allowing a citizen to register to vote less than 10 days before an election.
The fourth ballot proposal would delete the absentee ballot requirement that a voter is unable to appear at the polls if absent from the country, or due to an illness or disability. This means that any qualified voter could request an absentee ballot for a Primary or General Election with no reason required.
Statewide voters rejected proposal 3 with 58% or 1,606,939 voting against it and 42% or 1,179,169 voting for it. Citywide, however, 60% or 493,901 voted for the measure while 40% or 324,744 voted against it.
Proposal 4 was rejected statewide with 56% or 1,567,670 votes against it and 44% or 1,208,149 for it. City voters, however, approved the measure with nearly 59% or 479,254 voting for it and 41% or 335,221 voting against it.
Both citywide and statewide voters approved proposal number 5 increasing the New York City Civil Court’s jurisdiction by allowing it to hear and decide claims for up to $50,000. The current limit for the NYC Civil Court is $25,000, and it was last changed in 1983.