‘Paintings in the Garden III’ art show

Prominent Trinidadian artist Alicia Aberdeen-Jones will on Saturday, Oct. 23, host the third installment of her annual art show and fundraiser, “Paintings in the Garden III — Rhythm & Harmony in Color, Media and Culture.”
Aberdeen-Jones told Caribbean Life that the event will be held in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn, from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
In collaboration with internationally-renowned calypsonian, Trinidadian David Rudder, she said the show will donate computers to the computer lab of St. Francis Boys’ College (formerly Belmont Boys’ RC Secondary School) in Trinidad and Tobago, Rudder’s alma mater.
Aberdeen-Jones said Trinidad and Tobago 1964 Tokyo Olympic medalists, Edwin Roberts and Kent Bernard (recently honored by the Trinidad and Tobago Consulate and the 56ers Cultural Legacy Committee, of which Aberdeen-Jones is a founding member), will also donate to the cause.
She said a ceremonial check presentation by the Consul General of Trinidad and Tobago, J. André Laveau and Joyce E. Stroud (niece of the legendary Nina Simone) will announce these contributions.

Aberdeen-Jones said the show will offer original works of art by her and another Trinidadian artist, Andrew Fitt; a live jazz vocal performance; a pre-recorded performance piece by Gyazette Official of T&T of a cover of Rudder’s “Song for a Lonely Soul;” unveiling of a portrait of Rudder (20 percent of value to go to cause); ceremonial check presentation; and an all-inclusive bar and finger foods throughout.
“This is literally my dream coming true as, through my art, we (the company) have been able to help transition a homeless family from shelter to housing in 2019, to initiating talks with an NGO (non-governmental organization), Tropicalefete, to start a steel pan scholarship in 2020, to this year working with Mr. Rudder to help T&T’s students during these pandemic times,” Aberdeen-Jones said.
“Please come out and join us in this journey, through art, and help T&T’s students while we’re at it,” she urged.
Tickets available at www.eventbrite.com. Sale ends Oct. 21 at 11:30 p.m.