Lychee Chow – Carib Vibe Radio

Lychee Chow

Here’s yet another tropical fruit begging to made into a chow as we’ve done with pineapple, mango, Pommecythere and oranges. Essentially a quick sort of spicy pickle that as kids and even adults, we snack on. In the case of adults, it’s usually when we’re enjoying some ‘beverages’.

Photo by Chris De La Rosa

1 lb lychee (peeled)
1/3 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1 lemon (juice)
1 large clove garlic (crushed)
1 teaspoon crushed chili flakes (Chinese)
1 large leaf Chadon Beni (culantro) – chopped
1 tablespoon chives (chopped finely)

Notes! Please follow along with the video below as much more about the recipe is discussed there. If making this recipe gluten free, please go through the full list of ingredients to ensure they meet your specific gluten free dietary requirements.

Photo by Chris De La Rosa

Wash the Lychees, peel and wash/drain again. Then into a large bowl.

Photo by Chris De La Rosa

Add all of the ingredients and mix well to combine.

Photo by Chris De La Rosa

If you cannot source the Chadon Beni (culantro), you may add 2 tablespoon of finely chopped cilantro (coriander). Should you have a lime instead of a lemon, that will also work. And if you don’t have access to that fine Chinese pepper flakes, you may use finely chopped Scotch Bonnet or any spicy pepper you like and in the amount you can tolerate.

Photo by Chris De La Rosa

You may enjoy it immediately after mixing, but may I recommend that you place it in the fridge for 30 minutes for the lychee to absorb the flavors.


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