Jamaica Consulate Office in New York to relocate – Carib Vibe Radio

Jamaica Consulate Office in New York to relocate

Come March 11, 2024, the Consulate General of Jamaica, in Manhattan, New York City will relocate its premises.  The new location will be at 300 East 42nd St., New York, NY 10017.

The 237,00 sq. ft 18-storey full block office building is just two blocks away from Grand Central Station.

Alsion Wilson, Consul General of Jamaica to New York. Consulate General of Jamaica, New York/Christopher King

In making her announcement regarding the change of location, Consul General, Alsion Wilson advises that “as a result of the moving the Jamaican Consulate present office at the corner of 767 Third Ave. and East 48th will be closed to the public from Feb. 26 – March 8, 2024.”  Wilson further noted that services to the general public will be suspended while the office is closed. However, she said, “People needing emergency services should be aware that assistance will be available via email, and for updates and more information please visit our website,” the consul general added.

It is expected that the new location will provide much more space than exists at the current location, with better security services to allow safety for everyone including staff. The new waiting room is also expected to be a larger one with enough space that will provide more comfort. The consulate is slated to occupy two and a half floors in the 18-storey building.

Changing their addresses to the same location will be Jamaica Promotions Office (JAMPRO) and the American Foundation for The University of the West Indies.

“We crave your patience and understanding during this break in our services and are committed to reopening with enhanced capabilities to better serve you,” Consul General Wilson commented.

It was also reported that costs at the present location had become prohibitive, one main reason for moving to a new premises.

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