Incessant Israeli bombardments concern Caribbean governments

Caribbean governments have said they are deeply upset by the war between Israel and the Palestinians saying Israel’s incessant bombardment of populated areas is reigning catastrophe on civilians.
The 15-nation bloc issued a special statement on the situation late Wednesday at the end of their four-day heads of government summit arguing that the war has resulted in the tragic loss of life of thousands including women and children.
“The incessant Israeli bombardment of Gaza has led the catastrophic loss of civilian lives, the destruction of critical infrastructure, and the deprivation of basic necessities, food, water and medical care.”
“In this regard CARICOM urges an immediate and unconditional ceasefire in Gaza, and safe and unimpeded access for the delivery of adequate and sustained humanitarian assistance. We also strongly advocate for the rule of law to prevail and for the return of all hostages and persons held in administrative detention without charge to their families,” the unusually strongly worded statement noted.
The leaders wasted no time in blaming Israel for flouting a string of United Nations resolutions including those from the all powerful Security Council as well as provisional measures recently announced by the World Court at the behest of South Africa.
“The community therefore calls on the UN assembly to invoke its powers under the General Assembly Resolution 3778, uniting for peace, to hold an emergency session, and to issue appropriate recommendations to UN member states that collectively impose measures designed to motivate Israel to adhere to its obligations, under the said UN resolution, and under the ICJ order.”