High school senior does good through his leadership roles – Carib Vibe Radio

High school senior does good through his leadership roles

De’Angeli Suazo is a senior at The IDEAL School of Manhattan, and although he is extremely involved in school activities, he is an introverted person.

“I have a pretty low social battery and spend most of my time at home and on the weekends by myself or with only my parents so my battery can recharge,” he said.

He no longer lives in NYC, but he lived in Brooklyn until five years ago when he moved to Middletown NY, while he was in 7th grade. He’s been making the commute to school all this time with his dad since he works in NYC.

For Suazo, the greatest influence has been his family. “My dad was born in the Dominican Republic and has lived in NYC since he was six. My mom was born in NYC but her grandparents are from Puerto Rico and Mexico,” he added.

He is the president of the Student Council (SC) at his school. Last year, he was the vice president. Even before he was in the Student Council, he was very involved in his school and he felt that being in the Student Council would make things much easier for him.

Suazo said he does not know if he will be continuing with being in the student council in college, because he may be more involved in club activities. He has had several great experiences in both roles.

As VP, he was able to help out everyone else in the Student Council with all of their tasks, especially the president. In addition, he was the one to plan last year’s election, in which he was able to establish new roles in the council.

“As president, I have enjoyed working with my SC on events such as our Halloween and Valentine’s Day themed dances. I was able to work on this year’s Black History Month assembly and door decorating contest, and I have worked with my VP Jason Browne to continue our revived tradition of a Lunar New Year celebration.”

Suazo has been accepted into, and will be attending his top college, Rochester Institute of Technology in the fall of this year. He will be majoring in Computer Engineering Technology, and he is excited to start this new journey and explore.

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