Dimple Willabus campaigns for CD 46 in Brooklyn

Dimple Willabus, Power Woman of New York 2020, and Caribbean Life Impact Award 2019 recipient, is ramping up her campaign for the New York City Council District 46 seat up for grabs at a special election on June 22.
The 46th District encompasses the Brooklyn neighborhoods of Bergen Beach Canarsie, Flatlands, Georgetown, Gerritsen Beach, Marine Park, Mill Basin, Mill Island and Sheepshead Bay.
In a recent video, the community hailed Willabus, as a born leader who will bring integrity, leadership and commitment to the district, which she calls home.
The Guyanese-born community advocate, whose food and PPE distributions, over the last 10 months, filled the need of hundreds of residents across Brooklyn, during the height of the coronavirus pandemic said,“The events of 2020 will have a lasting impact on our city for years. I’ve seen the resolve of our community and know that we will bounce back. The city has to spend more efficiently and effectively and must provide better oversight to how it awards contracts and how it measures the effectiveness of its vendors.
“I believe that we must invest in educational and youth services that will prepare our future generations to harness the opportunities that are now being developed in the industries designed around environmental, food and housing sustainability, as well as developing their abilities around the technological advancements in these industries.”
“We can create economic growth and feasibility in our small business sector and local community by reviewing the classification parameters and investments we’ve made in the Small Business Services and M/WBE programs to include more small businesses that have to compete with corporations that are much larger, but still are classified as a “small business,” said the community leader.
Willabus said tax incentives must go to small businesses, especially those owned and operated by under-served communities, to encourage business growth and development within the community.
The immigrant, who quickly acclimated to the USA and began building upon her knowledge and experience, and completed her studies at Brooklyn College before having the privilege of working at WCBS TV as an assistant editor in the newsroom, is passionate about advocating for seniors that she said are often treated as the forgotten generation.
“Many of the families in our district have a senior parent living in the household. We’ve seen a proliferation of adult day care services within our community.”
“I believe that many of our seniors are still vibrant and can play a role in planning and design of services. Again, the key is efficiency in spending and identifying a matrix to ensure that vendors are achieving the desired outcomes.”
“Because of my diverse background, knowledge and experience, I’ve had the opportunity of serving locally, nationally and internationally as a youth, women and small business speaker and mentor.”
“Unfortunately, I’ve also had to endure many of the same encumbrances to success as my neighbors and friends, especially those like me, who are immigrants. What I’ve learned through the years is that there are many factors that inhibit our advancement. Specifically access to appropriate resources in education, medical care, senior and youth services, and food security. Housing security has been a major factor in my running for City Council.”
“We are frustrated with the status quo, machine politics that have limited our community’s opportunities for success and relegated the majority of us to treatment as second-class citizenry, rather than allowed us to achieve our full potential.”
“I’m running to ensure that our voices are not only heard, but we have true input in our community’s development, and that there is measurable action taken to make District 46 more just and equitable to all residents.”
“I’m also running to pave the way for girls like my daughters and women to see that it’s possible and it’s okay to stand up for what you believe, even if you are a woman.”
“My background has enabled me to interact with a vastly diverse group of people from all over the world. That’s the beauty of living in our city and in District 46,” said Willabus.
“I’m proud to say that my husband Winston and I are both very hard workers and both came from humble beginnings in Guyana but wanted to provide our three children Chantelle, Anaya and Brandon with the best possible lives. It’s important for us to instill in them the values that were passed on to us by our parents.”
“Through these engagements, I’ve been involved in and witnessed our steps towards achieving success and progress as a united community, whether it be in education, small business, or societal reforms and accountability.”
Her service as a woman in business, leadership and mentoring over the decades, is a testament to Willabus’ dedication to the community.
She had the privilege of serving on several boards including: the NYC Mayor DeBlasio’s Education Task Force 2018-2019, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adam’s Appointee- Education District 22. 2017-2018, and was a Community Education Council President D#22. 2017 – 2018.
Willabus, a fervent, hardworking, and honest leader, is currently an advisory board member of Visions – Serving the Blind. She serves in the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce M/WBE Committee as an advisory board member, and is the public relations officer for the NYPD 71st PCT Community Council.
Willabus, noted that she had the opportunity to participate in debates, poetry contests, and was the captain for her volleyball team.
“My life has been a direct reflection of many of the experiences of my fellow District residents. I’m an immigrant, who came to America with the belief that I could forge a path towards betterment for myself, my family and my community. As a woman, mother, business owner and advocate for my neighbors, I know first hand how to adapt quickly to new challenges and achieve real solutions.”
“I’m not part of the political machine. As such, my obligation is to the community, not special interests. I will orchestrate a new vision with fresh ideas, based on the will of the people and the society that we envision together. The result will be greater equality and opportunity for all, not the select few.”
To “join the movement” make a donation, or volunteer, click www.dimplewillabus.com
The post Dimple Willabus campaigns for CD 46 in Brooklyn appeared first on Caribbean Life News.