Caribbean RoundUp – Carib Vibe Radio

Caribbean RoundUp


The Department of Immigration in Bahamas says it is working with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to repatriate “as quickly as possible” more than 100 Haitians who were rescued off the island of Andros, near Cuban waters recently.
In a statement, the ministry of immigration said that an overloaded boat with several migrants had been spotted off the island of Andros as it sought to avoid the interception in the waters of Bahamas, which was heading towards the United States.
However, days later, another surveillance plane reported a ship with people in distress seeking help heading for the coast of Andros.
The statement said that the crew of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force and agents of the department of immigration went to the area and detained 127 Haitian migrants including nine women and two children “in an irregular migratory situation, following their illegal landing on the west coast of Andros.
“All Haitians, safe and sound, were taken by the Royal Bahamas Defence Force to New Providence. The department of immigration is working with the ministry of foreign affairs to ensure that these illegal migrants are repatriated as quickly as possible to Haiti.”
Davis has since announced the launch of Operation Secure, a collaborative security operation between the Royal Bahamas Police Force and the Defence Force, and the department of immigration, to address security and migration-related issues in unregulated and unlawful communities.


CARICOM leaders have received a report on the situation in Haiti from a special mission which went to that member state recently. Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness led the mission.
In a recent statement, CARICOM said it’s leaders received the mission’s report on Sunday.
The mission met with a broad range of Haitian stakeholders to head their views on the way forward regarding that country’s political and security challenges.
The mission’s objective was also to demonstrate CARICOM’S solidarity with the Haitian government and people.
CARICOM leaders met virtually under the chairmanship of Bahamas Prime Minister Phillip Davis to discuss the report.
The leaders agreed there needed to be a follow up meeting with Haitian stakeholders to chart a path to consensus building in or under to bring peace and stability to Haiti. They agreed to support the efforts of the Haitian National Police to address security issues.
They acknowledged the support being provided to the Haitian police by the Canadian government to protect the general population from criminal activities.
They also agreed to build international partnerships in support of efforts to return Haiti to peace and stability as a necessary precursor for free, fair and credible elections.
The Grenada government has given the green light to a company with a mailing address in Moscow, to become the island’s latest international Citizenship by Investment (CBI) marketing agent.
“Notice is hereby given that persuant to Section 13 of the Grenada Citizenship by Investment Act, 2013, Global Citi-Zen LLC, 42 Frunzenshkaya Naberezhnaya, Apt 27, Moscow, Russia, has been granted the license of a marketing agent, and is therefore authorized to conduct business in the State of Grenada, persuant on the terms and conditions specified in the said Grenada Citizenship by Investment Act, 2013,” according to a notice published in the March 3, edition of the official government gazette.
Grenada is among an handful of Caribbean countries with a CBI program that provides citizenship to foreign investors in return for making a substantial investment in the socio-economic development of the island.
Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February last year, Grenada became the fourth Caribbean CBI jurisdiction to suspend Russian and Belarusian applicants from applying to the country’s Citizenship Investment Program
There are several international marketing agents listed on the Grenada CBI website. Grenada has earned more than EC$120 million under its CBI program last year.
The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) says it continues to observe “alarming cases by of increases efforts” to smuggle refined narcotic drugs and other illicit items through personal consignments, such as suitcases, packages, barrels, boxes and containers at ports of entry into the country.
The GRA recently said that on March 3, the Authority’s Law Enforcement and Investigations Division conducted an operation at the Cheddie Jagan International Airport and seized quantities of suspected cannabis and refined marijuana found in a passenger’s luggage on an incoming Caribbean flight.
“The passenger was arrested and has been handed over to the Customs and Narcotic Unit (CANU) for further investigations and possible prosecution.
“The revenue authority continues its plea to the general public to report any illicit, unlawful or smuggling activities,” it said, adding “all information provided will be dealt with strict confidentiality and such persons may be rewarded in accordance with the provisions of Customs Act.”
Jamaica Tourism Minister Edmund Bartlett says the tourism industry has undergone a significant transformation in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and that its future success now depends on the ability of its workforce to create innovative and distinctive experiences.
Addressing the inaugural Jamaica Centre of Tourism Innovation’s Tourism Career Expo, Bartlett says that young Jamaicans should consider tourism as a promising career option, emphasizing the importance of rethinking their perspective on the industry.
Bartlett said the re-imagined tourism sector is not only financially rewarding but also thrives on input from individuals with diverse skill sets and backgrounds, ranging from industries directly linked to tourism to those indirectly associated with it.
Bartlett said the post COVID-19 industry required a diverse range of talents, including those on fields like nuclear science, robotics and nano-technology.
He also said the future of work in tourism would significantly transform the sector, as machine intelligence and the internet of things would revolutionize the way basic services were provided.
Bartlett predicted the transformation would eliminate 70 percent in of informal activities in tourism that pay lower remuneration, paving the way for more skilled and higher-paying job opportunities.
The head of the Anjuman Sunnat ul Jamaat Association (ASJA) is pleading with the government to explore all avenues to expedite the repatriation of Trini women and children who have been languishing in a camp in Syria.
ASJA is saying while it lacks resources to monitor and prevent anyone from committing offences after they are repatriated, it is willing to work with the government to have these nationals properly reintegrated into society.
“Our request is based solely on humanitarian grounds (not religious) and international reports of physical abuse at these camps, especially for the children who are innocent victims of this whole deal,” president of ASJA, Zainool Sarafat said.
ASJA’s call for an expedited repatriation follows a recent report of the number Trini women and children facing abuse and hardship at the refugee camp since 2020.
According to New York based NGO, Human Rights Watch, 100 Trinidad and Tobago nationals are in camps in Syria, including 13 men, 21 women and 56 children.
Foreign and CARICOM Affairs Minister, Dr. Amery Browne said the government is “open to offers of collaboration” to return the families of local men who went to fight for ISIS in Syria.
— Compiled by Azad Ali

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