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Braata Productions hosts second annual 5k walk/run on Saturday – Carib Vibe Radio

Braata Productions hosts second annual 5k walk/run on Saturday

The Queens-based theatrical company Braata Productions is hosting its second annual 5K Fundraising Walk/Run on Saturday, May 14 at Brookville Park Brookville Blvd., Rosedale, Queens, entrance between Weller Avenue and Caney Road. Registration opens at 9: 00 am.

“Join runners and walkers along Braata Productions for a fun socially distanced walk/run,” said Braata Productions in a statement. “Come join Braata Productions in this family fun event to raise funds to support the remainder of our season.

“All proceeds benefit Braata’s Arts and Education programs for NYC schools, senior centers, and community engagement projects,” it added.

Fundraising committee chairwoman Kia Jones said: “It’s inherent that we move our bodies more and promote healthy bodies both inside and out.

“I want Braata to be an advocate for not only performing arts but also to stand for wellness,” Jone said. “It’s so important that we put ourselves first after these taxing couple of years we have had.”

Refreshments will be provided to all participants, with free giveaways and entertainment. All age groups are welcome.

Register online at

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