Dominica stages successful 22nd edition of World Creole Music Festival

After a two-year hiatus, Dominica has staged a successful World Creole Music Festival (WCMF) as part of the island’s 44th Independence Anniversary celebrations.
Discover Dominica Authority (DDA), the island’s tourism board, said the festival hosted 23 artists, 11 of which were “local” or Dominican artists in the genres of cadence-lypso, bouyon, compas and dancehall.
Soca, zouk, reggae and Afrobeat were performed by other regional and international performers, DBA said.
According to a preliminary count and provisional data, 7,421 visitors arrived over the normal WCMF period, Oct. 21 to Oct. 29.
DDA said this is a 5 percent increase in visitor arrivals over 2019. Visitor arrivals by air were 6 percent ahead of 2019, while visitor arrivals by sea showed a 4 percent improvement over 2019.
DDA said attendance for the festival in 2022 surpassed the attendance figures from 2019 as well.
It said preliminary reports from scanned tickets into the park total the attendance at 33,173, about 14 percent greater than 2019.
Patrons had the option of general attendance, seating in the stands or patronizing the Coastal Village VIP, DDA said.
It said a combination of increased ticket sales and an increase in ticket prices resulted in gate receipts, which are 31 percent higher than 2019 gate receipts.
“Over 200 media and influencers were accredited to cover the World Creole Music Festival,” DDA said. “As such, Dominica has received coverage regionally from Trinidad and Tobago in the south to St. Kitts in the north.
“Patrons generally enjoyed the performances with each having a favorite based on their preferences,” it added.
Minister of Tourism Denise Charles said this year’s festival has been coined as “the best Creole Festival by many patrons.”
“The aim was to take the creole festival to a new level in terms of the variety of bar and food options, standard of entertainment, expanded grounds area and the entire experience,” she said.
Charles said additional grounds area space was provided in anticipation of the expected crowds; a new elevated experience was introduced in the Rainforest Lounge; new genres of music formed part of the “exciting line up”; 10 premium bars were added to the grounds in addition to picnic benches; and “several young local artistes were given an opportunity on the international stage.”
“The World Creole Music Festival is proving to be one of Dominica’s most attractive experiences, as it highlights talent on an international stage, as well as creates an atmosphere for unity and enjoyment in the ‘Nature Island’”, DDA said.
It said the dates were also launched for World Creole Music Festival 2023 from Oct. 27-29; Mas Domnik, Dominica’s Carnival from Jan. 14 – Feb. 22; and Dominica’s Jazz’n Creole on April 30.
For more information on WCMF, contact the Dominica Festivals Committee at (767) 448-4833/255-8221; visit the official website,; or follow Dominica Fests on Instagram and Facebook.
DDA can also be reached at: 767 448 2045 F: 767 448 5840; E:; or W: